Embark into Evrloot Captivating Lore
Addictive Gameplay
Deep NFT 2.0Integration
NFT 2.0 Legos
Your adventure starts in this desert town called Trakan.The innkeeper wants to talk to you.
Check out Trakan's tavern with good company and a pint in your hand.
enter tavern
"Hey Shester. Need work?Go talk to Vanya!"
"Ye hungry? Why not go to the docks for some fishin'?"
go fishing
"I am glad ye made it here. Now get yerself a fish or something from the sea!"
Go on missions and get epic rewards!
get reward
scroll to swipe >
Ok, we are just kidding. You did not play the real game. We just wanted you to show a little bit, how it feels. Now join the adventure!
10% discount on the "Caliphate" EVM soul sale
Mystery Fishing Rod[available from July on]
“Open Gates” Epic Soul Background
Voucher for 15% higher chance of items on the "Caliphate" EVM soul sale (for one soul reveal)
We welcome gaming addicts, D&D players, #NFT lovers, and collectors as well as crypto enthusiasts from any community.
Join us on discord.